Wednesday, August 29, 2007

From the 'Sent Mail': A prayer for New Orleans

From: Mighty Favog
To: "'Listserve'"
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 19:59
Subject: Re: Prayer

Dear ***,

Thank you for that. New Orleans well may cease to exist as a habitable city tomorrow, and many will die. May God have mercy on them all, and on their immortal souls.

I'm from Baton Rouge, and I well remember Hurricane Betsy, which devastated N.O. in 1965 and was no walk in the park 100 miles inland in B.R.

For folks who've never experienced a hurricane, it's hard to grasp the power of even 100 m.p.h. straight-line wind (not counting the imbedded tornadoes). Try picturing a two-inch, heavy-gauge steel pipe used as a birdhouse pole or antenna mast. (Something MUCH sturdier than your average TV-antenna mast.) Picture it turned into a mini-Gateway Arch, bent all the way to the ground.

Now grasp that Hurricane Betsy was a Category 3 and Katrina is a strong Category 5. Now picture that the only things emerging from the waters covering New Orleans quite possibly could be buildings of more than three stories.

And remember that the Mississippi Gulf Coast also will be utterly devastated.

May God have mercy.

-- Favog

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