Here's a truth bomb for you: I've kinda been dreading this show, No. 666.
Six hundred sixty-six. 666. Mark of the Beast. That's some seriously bad juju.
When you enter this neighborhood, you don't know what will happen. You do know it will not be good.
While the music on this portentous edition of 3 Chords & the Truth is just as exceptional as ever, it did not take long for the god of hellfire to show his sulfurous self. That's bad.
AS IT TURNS OUT, 6-6-6 is not the only way to spell "mark of the beast." God preserve us.
Listen and learn, my friends. Listen and learn. Do not let this happen to you, especially on Nov. 5.
Like I was telling you, the music this week on the Big Show is great -- really, really great. But I must tell you that you're going to have to endure some things to get there. I would suggest you arm yourself with some garlic, some holy water, a crucifix . . . and perhaps a Kamala Harris yard sign.
Yeah, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Thou hast been warned. Hold thy soul, and thy family, close to thy heart. The Enemy lurketh, seeking the destruction of souls . . . and nations.
It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.