A guest post by Molly the Dog
They have neber been a mor biger threat to our charish Amerikan ideels then thiss.
It am not souprizeing thet it's comms from Iowa, where peeples is commerniss. And meen.
I wil not go to Iowa no more, bekuz the commerniss thayr wil put me in jayl for being all abowt free x-presshun and thee rite to re-dres greevances kommitd aginst you. I do not like the Iowa kops, bekuz thay are agunts of a repressiv regeeme.
THEE PRUFE of Iowas commernisum is hear in this artikl from thee Asocciated Paws. Uh, Press:
A man accused of urinating on the office chairs of fellow office workers in West Des Moines has surrendered to police.ME HOPE the Iowas free x-pressur gets a gud lawyer whoo don't like cats. I rekommenn Sadie. She forgets stuf sumtimez, but she can still bite gud.
Raymond Foley, 59, turned himself in Saturday to face a charge of second-degree criminal mischief.
Foley declined to comment Tuesday, other than to acknowledge that he no longer works at the Farm Bureau office in West Des Moines.
Police say some co-workers had complained about stains on their chairs. A security system was installed, and police say it caught Foley in the act.
Tell her the Iowas commerniss kops is skwrruls. Totaliterryun oppressurs is whut thay reely is.
In othur wurds -- skwrruls. Maybe cats, to.