Showing posts with label Chris Crocker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chris Crocker. Show all posts

Friday, August 01, 2008

What hath YouTube wrought?

Video contains profanity. I'm so shocked.

The "Leave Britney alone!" guy (???) is "leaving YouTube alone."

Why? Because YouTube has disrespected him/her/it. Chris Crocker is not YouTube's favorite viral celebrity.

I MEAN, "They invited the 'Chocolate Rain' guy to, like, go sing at some YouTube event in, like, China."

But no such "cewebrity" luuuuv for Mr. (Miss?) Leave Britney Alone! Such shabby treatment.

"I'm not mama- and papa-friendly, I understand. Mamas and papas don't like me, but guess what? Their kids do," he/she/it says. "I'm a voice of this generation . . . I'm a voice of this generation, and there's no stopping me."