It has been many years since I've wanted a goddamned thing to do with the professionalized, politicized "pro-life" movement. Why? Because it's God-damned.
That sad fact becomes clearer by the day, if not by the minute.

Trumpian, hell. Orwellian.
Having Trump speak at an alleged March for Life is like having the ghost of Joseph Goebbels keynote an Anti-Defamation League convention. This most vile and dangerous of American presidents is building some kind of culture,
A CULTURE OF LIFE does not see ripping children from their parents at the border, then placing them in squalid and overcrowded Border Patrol stations as a feature and not a bug.
A culture of life's stance on the treatment of women does not include "grab 'em by the pussy."
A culture of life does not celebrate war crimes, it does not threaten war crimes, and it does not tolerate peacetime assassinations of foreign leaders.
A culture of life seeks to ease the struggles of the poor -- it does not cut their SNAP benefits.
A culture of life takes a dim view -- a really dim view -- of referring to women as "dogs."
A culture of life does not claim there's "some very fine people" among neo-Nazis and other white supremacists.
A culture of life does not celebrate someone who's told 16,241 public lies in his first three years in office.
A culture of life is not racist.
A culture of life is not anti-Semitic.
I could go on, but it's late and I'm tired.
WHEN I SAW the March of Life's tweet, the first thing -- literally -- that came to mind was "abomination of desolation." That's Bible speak, roughly describing something horrific and defiling. Apocalyptic, even. Think of erecting pagan monuments on the ruins of the temple in Jerusalem, as the Romans did.
Think of building an altar to Satan in a Catholic church.
Think of having Donald John Trump speak at a March for Life.
I'm thinking of the Archdiocese of Omaha sending busloads of teenagers to the March for Life -- and all of its hyperpoliticized Trumpdolatry -- like lambs to the spiritual and ideological slaughter. One of three things is likely to happen to each poor soul, and none is good:
* The kid might die of irony overload right on the spot.
* The kid might become a MAGA enthusiast, endangering his or her immortal soul and causing much harm to others somewhere down the road.
* The kid might be unusually perceptive, see this for the evil, blasphemous bullshit that it really is, take note of who and what brought him or her into this moral clusterfuck . . . and be lost to the Church (or Christianity, period) forever.
What an amazing witness for Christ. America -- and the church -- will have much to suffer because of such sulfurous subversion from the depths of hell.
I'm also imagining Jesus on one of those buses full of Nebraska teens as it crosses the Potomac River. It is written, "As he drew near, he saw the city and wept over it."