Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AI. Show all posts

Friday, March 10, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Tick tock

Let's do the time warp again.

This week on 3 Chords & the Truth, we turn back the clock a little more than usual. To the Old Days. But not much.

Still, the Big Show is a real sentimental journey.

So, looming over the whole thing is the clock up on the wall . . . running backward. If you have any complaints about that, please direct them to PA 6-5000. Ask for Flat Foot Floogie.

It's a floy floy, Daddio.

As usual, though, it's gonna be a real trip. A journey to unexpected places. Just don't get nervous on the road -- it's going to be all right. You might even learn something. Or not. That's entirely up to you.

Also, I am pleased to announce that everything is in full-fidelity stereo. Except when it's not.

And if all this is somewhat confusing to you, then you don't know me. But that will change as days go by if you keep listening. There's a lot on the website to help you get up to speed with all the eclectic wonderfulness of this here endeavor.

So, there's only one thing left to say here.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, March 03, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: The voice of world control

Artificial intelligence has come to radio, and it's ready -- or, rather, the vulture capitalists behind some of America's largest broadcasting chains are ready -- to give mere organics the old heave-ho.

This subject is of some interest to us at 3 Chords & the Truth. To be honest, this subject leaves some of us feeling like we're now totally obsolete, rather than our previous state of being mostly obsolete. Like we were perfectly educated and trained for the Bronze Age. Like being oriented toward the humanities and creative pursuits is just an invitation to obliteration.

Let's get real here. Your Mighty Favog knows damned well that the Big Show is a niche deal. An esoteric pursuit. That most folks -- especially today -- just won't f***ing get it.

FACE IT, it's an anachronism, and I march to an anachronistic drummer. And I often wonder why I bother. Why can't I just squeegee car windows at traffic lights and be grateful for every day that I don't get run over or arrested (or shot, because a squeegee handle might look like a gun barrel, and this is America)?

Frankly, there are days (this is one of them) when I figure I'd have a lot more listeners if I just let the robots do the podcast instead of me. Because Americans.

I got no answers. Given my obvious lack of insight, I thought I would go to the expert in all this -- ChatGPT, which will be writing all your kids' term papers soon enough.

My question was simple enough:

"Why is RadioGPT superior to having human radio announcers? It can replicate the voices of known station personalities, so why have any humans on air at all after the intial customization?"

Here is Chat's -- I hope that's not being too familiar with an artificial intelligence I've just met -- answer. And remember, Chat is the expert here, not your deficiently human Mighty Favog.

While RadioGPT and other AI-driven solutions for radio broadcasting have several advantages over human announcers, there are still reasons why having human personalities on air can be beneficial. Here are some points to consider:

1. Authenticity: Human announcers and personalities can bring a level of authenticity to a broadcast that AI may not be able to replicate. Listeners may feel a stronger connection to a human voice, which can enhance their overall listening experience.

2. Emotional connection: Human announcers and personalities can convey emotion in a way that AI may not be able to. They can react in real-time to events and news, and provide commentary and perspective that may resonate with listeners.

3. Creativity: Human announcers and personalities can bring their own creativity and unique perspective to a broadcast. They can improvise, ad-lib, and inject humor into their delivery, which can keep listeners engaged and entertained.

4. Personalization: While AI can personalize content based on a listener's habits, human announcers and personalities can also provide a personalized touch through interaction with listeners. They can take calls, read emails, and engage with listeners on social media, which can enhance the overall listener experience.

5. Flexibility: Human announcers and personalities can adapt to changing circumstances and events in a way that AI may not be able to. They can react to breaking news, adjust their delivery based on audience feedback, and make other real-time decisions that can improve the quality of the broadcast.

Overall, while AI-driven solutions like RadioGPT may have some advantages over human announcers, there are still benefits to having human personalities on air. They can bring a level of authenticity, emotional connection, creativity, personalization, and flexibility that may enhance the overall listening experience for audiences.

THANKS, Chat, for the pick-me-up. Unfortunately, I think you failed to cover the one rea$on radio-$tation management won't li$ten to any of your quite-valid point$. While you are very artificially intelligent and well-re$ourced, I think you lack the nece$$ary cynici$m to under$tand America today.

And the one point to remember -- always -- is that it's always humans who have held close to their hearts the belief that there's nothing more expendable than human labor . . . and human lives. You might say it's one of humanity's defining characteristics.

That said, dear listener (one shortcoming of a human writer -- or announcer -- is susceptibility to cliches),  you can assume this week's edition of the Big Show is rather different. Because it is. But it's still good . . . and filled with nifty segués, because I'm uselessly weird like that.

Besides, the new age is upon us, and you'd better listen to the organic while you can. Such as he is.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.