I'm 18 again. And cool.
This was my afternoon listening -- during which the memories and the cool tunes came flooding back -- before there almost wasn't an episode of 3 Chords & the Truth this week. There almost wasn't a show this week because I finally took Production iMac to the Apple Store last night to get its recalled, big-ass "fusion drive" replaced with a brand-new, not-recalled version of the same.
The original hard drive seemed fine to me, but the email from Apple said they'd determined that my hard drive and others just like it were at risk of the computer version of cardiac arrest. Production iMac would need a transplant.
So as a PC veteran who has replaced my share of hard drives . . . and everything else . . . I was figuring along the lines of bring the thing in, go have cup of coffee, pick the thing up, go home. Unfortunately, while Apple products Just Work, they cannot be Just Fixed. Because cool design, or something like that.

"Well, then, I'm sunk. This is my work computer," I appealed.
"Let me check," the Genius Court said.
"There goes this week's show," your host groused during the wait.
As it turns out, the sentence was amended. Twenty-four to 48 hours in the shop, with no credit for time not served.
Under Apple's "good time" law, however, Production iMac was paroled early this afternoon -- a presumably rehabilitated digital audio workstation. (By the way, I can't say enough good about the Mac's "Time Machine" data backup. In less than an hour, the iMac was just as it was before. No hassle, no drama.
Windows boxes are all about the drama. I spent a night and part of a day trying to get our Dell laptop to work and play well with the studio equipment and digital audio interface. It was touch and go.
Actually, it was more like cuss and scratch your head.
But the Mac is back, and I'm not subjecting myself to the W-word anymore. Not in the studio, at least.
All is well in the world, the Big Show goes on, and you'll get to hear you some Gruppo Sportivo, too.