Those were the days, my friend. We thought they'd never end. But they did.
The virus saw to that -- the end of what passed for normal life. Of course, there have been those who think the virus didn't apply to them and insisted on normality. A certain percentage will not make that mistake again . . . or any other mistake, for that matter.
But what does that have to do with 3 Chords & the Truth?
FOR ONE THING, it's sort of why there wasn't one last week. I got the second Moderna vaccine, and (at least for me) it's true what they say: It kicked my butt for a couple of days. And you know what? I've never felt so good about feeling bad. Now I'm counting down the last handful of days until peak immunity. And freedom, or what passes for freedom as the COVID pandemic endures, in large part because too many Americans refuse to get vaccinated.
We think we'll sing and dance forever and a day.
I don't know what to do with that.
So, I guess all of that has influenced this week's edition of the Big Show. The lost past and an uncertain future. The relentless tick tock of racing to vaccinate an obstinate public as the virus continues to mutate.
All this mess kinda does make you want to turn back that clock up on the wall, doesn't it? Turn it back to the day.
Back when we could live the life we choose. When we could fight and never lose.
Those were the days, oh yes, those were the days.
It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.