This week's edition of the Big Show can be described in two words.
One name.
George Martin.
If you don't know George Martin, or why we mark his passing by playing the music he touched, shaped, molded for decades, you're about to get an education in sound. If you do know the work of this producer's producer, you mourn the unfathomable loss with us at 3 Chords & the Truth as we celebrate the immeasurable musical legacy.
Sir George was the Fifth Beatle . . . and so much more.
Today, the program is his.
Today, the cultural birthright is ours.
It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.
Back at Abbey Road, Martin gave The Beatles the chance to respond to his dressing down. "I've laid into you for quite a long time," he said. "You haven't responded. Is there anything you don't like?"
"Well, for a start," replied George Harrison, "I don't like your tie."
The quip broke the ice and The Beatles relaxed into comedy mode.
"For the next 15 to 20 minutes they were pure entertainment," recalled Norman Smith. "I had tears running down my face."
Despite his misgivings, Martin eventually decided The Beatles had "the potential to make a hit record" and gave them a recording deal on 6 June (backdated by two days so as to secure copyright to the recording session).
He later admitted it was their "tremendous charisma" rather than their music that won him over. "When you are with them, you are all the better for being with them and when they leave you feel a loss," he told Sue Lawley.
"I fell in love with them. It's as simple as that."