The stupid, it burns!
So consider 3 Chords & the Truth as your personal fire extinguisher and burn cream. Extinguish flames before applying to skin.
I mean, really. Some days, it's just hard to roll out of bed, because the stupid -- and the ugly and mean -- is so strong in this country. And then there's the virus, so you're smart if you don't venture too far beyond your bed. Y'know?
WELL, you just have to keep on keeping on, keeping the ugly reality in mind but also hoping for the best. The Big Show is a big part of my keeping at it . . . despite everything. (Don't make me think I shoulda stayed in bed! I do like to sleep.)
That said, the music is typically great, your host is typically somewhat adequate, etc., and so on.
And I spend one set of music pretty much showing off. If you're a music geek, you'll appreciate it.
If not, you'll probably still appreciate it.
That's pretty much it. Brevity is the soul of wit -- or something.
It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.