A Facebook missive from a congressman for our times |
Nebraska 2nd Congressional District
c/o Den of National Disrepute
Washington, D.C.
Amerikan Soviet Kleptocratic Republic
RE: Your equivocating Facebook missive
Dear Rep. Bacon:
Washington, D.C.
Amerikan Soviet Kleptocratic Republic
RE: Your equivocating Facebook missive
Dear Rep. Bacon:
Congressman, the president has done squat that he wasn't effectively forced to do by a veto-proof majority of both houses. His words will never match his middling actions . . . which definitely were not his own idea to begin with.
What Donald Trump will willingly do is aid and abet a country that has attacked the United States via cyber- and psychological warfare. He is a traitor. He is a clear and present danger to the physical security and the philosophical underpinnings of this creedal nation.
Let me repeat: He is a traitor. He is on a path to make Julius and Ethel Rosenberg look like milquetoasts. In a non-deranged country, you damned well know what this tangerine Benedict Arnold's fate would be.
The. President. Is. A. Traitor. And he was a fascist before that.
Now let's see your words and actions rise to the level required by what now only can be characterized as indisputable fact.
There is a word for those who go along with traitors and tyrants -- collaborators.
Sic semper nocendi perfido,
M. Favog