The CBS network lineup: Sunday, Nov. 10, 1968 |
Diversity. All we hear about these days is "diversity."
What is "diversity"? We certainly don't have ideological diversity among those most committed to the D-word today in the United States.
Racial and ethnic diversity seems more about building either an ideological monolith of rainbow hues or, alternatively, segregated racial and ethnic enclaves uneasily inhabiting common organizations, institutions or physical spaces.
THE BABY BOOM is the last generation to be forced in its youth, through prehistoric technology that had become just pervasive enough, to open itself a little bit to a lot of things.
And people.
And cultures.
We may not have had "diversity" (again, whatever the hell that might be) but we did on occasion achieve variety. That's not nothing, and in today's blasted moonscape of a political and cultural battlefield where warring monocultures try to cleanse America of the diverse Other, that long-ago variety begins to look like a lot.
And I really would have liked to hear the backstage conversation between Jefferson Airplane and Kate Smith.