Y'ever watch Mad Men?
You remember the episode when button-down, Madison Avenue, gimme-a-bourbon-and-a-girl, 1960s ad exec Roger Sterling dropped some acid?
This ePisode of 3 CHORdS & THE tRuTh iS kiNd OF lIKe ThAt, maN!

You know?
ANYWAY . . . this episode of the BIG SHOW is GUARANTEED to, lIkE, TOTALLY blow your mind, MaN!!!
So, take a piece of paper. Write your name and address on it. Say you've been listening to the Big Show. Then write "Please Help Me."
Now, pin the note to your shirt.
I say, now, pin the note to your shirt. Now, pin the note to your shirt. Now, pin the note to your shirt. Now, pin the note to your shirt. To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.To your shirt.
To your shirt.
NOW YOU are prepared to listen to the podcast this week. Sit down, tune in, turn on and enjoy, man. It will be a mind-expanding experience.
It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.
Is it kicking in? BeCAUse I'M rEAllY Not FeElInG aNYThing Yet. !!!