Like . . . duuuuuuudddde! I mean, you know, man!
Duuuuuuuuude! Whoa!
Really, man. Duuuuuude!
Far out, man! Look what the AP is saying, man! But dude, isn't it, like, really spelled "A-P-P," man?
OH, DUDE! Whatever, man.
Marijuana-legalization votes last week in Colorado and Washington state don't just set up a state-federal showdown on drug law. They might open the door to pot tourism.
Both voter-approved measures, for the first time, make marijuana possession in small amounts OK for all adults 21 or older. That's not just the states' residents but visitors, too, so long as they buy and use the drug while in Colorado or Washington.
Of course, that's assuming the measures take effect at all. The states were still awaiting word on whether the U.S. Justice Department will sue to assert the supremacy of federal drug law, which doesn't allow recreational pot use.
So the future of marijuana tourism is hazy. But that hasn't stopped a fever of speculation, especially in Colorado, where tourism is the No. 2 industry, thanks to the Rocky Mountains and a vibrant ski industry.
The day after Colorado's measure passed by a wide margin, the headline in the Aspen Times asked, “Aspendam?” referring to Amsterdam's famous marijuana cafes.
Colorado's tourism director, Al White, tried to downplay the idea of a new boom.
“It won't be as big a deal as either side hopes or fears,” he said.
Still, many people are asking about it.
Ski resorts are “certainly watching it closely,” said Jennifer Rudolph of Colorado Ski Country USA, a trade association that represents 21 Colorado resorts.
Are there any plans for an adults-only après lounge, where skiers could get more than Irish coffee to numb their aches?
“There's a lot that remains to be seen,” Rudolph said with a chuckle. “I guess you could say we're waiting for the smoke to clear.”
LIKE, dude, you got any Doritos, man, to munch on while we're waiting on the smoke to clear, man?
So, did she then go and kick the computer?
No, no reason. Just askin' is all.
I'll tell you whom she did go and kick the crap out of -- the doofus who put the wrong take of the prerecorded weather segment on the air. And as she took out the control-room operator's kneecaps, and then something else, I'll tell you what she was heard screaming:
"Son of a bitch! Why is this happening?!?"

Yes, we are.
Not only do the kiddos like their ganja at Colorado, some have decided that getting wasted is a freakin' grand cause. And someday, after reality intervenes, they'll be living in a van down by the river -- and sating their muchies with government cheese.What?OH, YEAH . . . like, the Boulder Camera, which, like, isn't really a CAMERA, man . . . it's, like, this newspaper, you know, like, in Boulder, which, like, really isn't a big rock, dude, but is, like, this city by the Rockies, which, like, are these really big mountains, man -- this Boulder Camera, and like, dude, you know it's not really a CAMERA, right? They did this really sweet story on the big 4/20 bash, man! Check it out!"Nine, eight, seven ..."
A crowd of about 10,000 people collectively began counting down on the University of Colorado's Norlin Quadrangle just before 4:20 p.m. Sunday.
Yet the massive puff of pot smoke that hovers over CU's Boulder campus every April 20 -- the date of an annual, internationally recognized celebration of marijuana -- began rising over the sea of heads earlier than normal this year.
"Oh forget it," one student said, aborting the countdown to 4:20 p.m. and lighting his pipe early. He closed his eyes, taking a deep, long drag.
Although it's become an annual and renowned event at CU, this year's 4/20 celebration was different in some ways than in many previous years: The crowd was so large it migrated from the long-traditional site of Farrand Field to the larger Norlin Quad; festivities kicked off earlier than normal with daytime concerts; and CU police handed out zero citations.
“At this point, none are anticipated,” said CU police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley.
Smoke-out participants — thousands of whom wore green or T-shirts promoting pot — climbed trees, played the bongos, snapped pictures and had miniature picnics.
That, of course, after they sparked the weed they had come to smoke.
CU freshman Emily Benson, 19, of Kansas City, said she thinks the decriminalization of marijuana will become a hot topic in the upcoming political season and said she felt part of something bigger than just a smoke-out on Sunday.
“We’re at the starting point of a movement,” she said. “This is a big part of the reason I applied here — for the weed atmosphere.”
YOU'LL BE HIGHLY GRATIFIED to know that Emily Benson's parents are paying somewhere between $26,000 and $35,000 a year for their little darling to attend the University of Colorado and smoke dope.Weed not included.