Nice ad that, for a change, out-Apples Apple. Now, all Rupert Murdoch needs to do is figure out how to make the "must-have handheld accessory of 2009" self-updating so it's no longer full of day-old news.
OH . . . and make it display audio-visual content, link to stories in all the other "handheld accessories," and somehow interest young folk in a "handheld accessory" that doesn't have an "i" in front of its name.
All for free.
Alrighty, mates! Let's get cracking on the next advert in the campaign, wot?
The rich and the powerful are in Davos, Switzerland -- looking rich and important, solving all the problems of the world . . . and . . . bemoaning . . . the . . . economic . . . fate . . . of . . . schmucks . . . like . . . you . . . and . . . me.
F'RINSTANCE, that noted social activist and all-around Mother Teresa, Rupert Murdoch. These profound words from this holy man were lovingly preserved on a parchment scroll by Bloomberg News:
News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said there’s no hiding from the worsening global economic crisis, and stressed the need for quick and “drastic action” to turn the tide.
People worldwide are “depressed and traumatized” to see their life savings, including homes and pension funds, disappearing, Murdoch said at a press briefing in Davos, Switzerland, today.
“It would be very foolish if we said here we are, we had a crisis, and how do we get out of it quickly,” he said. “The crisis is getting worse. When you get to the real economy, values are still going down.”
THEN MURDOCH, we are certain, went back up to the mountaintop to boogie oogie oogie with former presidential adviser and current cable-news talking head David Gergen, seen above getting his Deney Terrio on at last year's Davos conference. The blonde disco doll, no doubt, was laughing on the inside as hard as I was on the outside.
And none of us will ever be able to take David Gergen seriously again. If we ever did.
Wise course of action, that. I suggest we apply it to the whole bunch.