I am a bit unsure what requires a bigger Orwellian bent on the part of voters today -- backing the Party of Greed (Republicans) or the Party of Lust (Democrats).
Like it makes any difference. Either way you go, you get standard-issue Death.
Vote for the GOP and you get more death of our soldiers in a pointless war. More torture of "enemy combatants," to hell with treaty, law and morality. More selling out of middle- and working-class interests to the highest bidder. More illegal immigration . . . and more depressing of American blue-collar wages.
Vote for the Democrats, you get more slavish devotion to the Contraceptive Deity. You get more pandering to Muselix America -- every fruit, nut and flake with enough cash to start a hard-left interest group. More Christian-baiting from the fever swamps of the Daily Kos and Democratic Underground. More illegal immigration . . . and more depressing of American blue-collar wages.
And, of course, we'll get more death of unborn children in an attempt to render Western Civilization, literally, fruitless as we seek after the Almighty Inconsequential Climax. Not that the GOP, mind you, has been any great shakes at slowing down the Culture of Death.
Thus, we come to John Edwards' altruistic Presidential Campaign for the Poor. (Ignore that preening rich man behind the curtain!)
The North Carolina Democrat thinks it's a terrible, terrible thing what this country has done to its poor people. (So far, so good . . . but why do I feel like a shoe is going to drop?) According to CNN:
Edwards started the four-day tour on Sunday in the poor, mostly black, Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans, whose once-submerged neighborhoods remain largely deserted.
On a brief walk through the district, he and his wife Elizabeth met Henry Phipps, 63, who lives in a government-issued trailer as rebuilds his house flooded nearly two years ago.
"You getting any help paying for it (the house)?" Edwards asked.
"Nah. I ain't getting no help," said Phipps, who said he had owned a bar and other properties before the storm and is now retired.
"We're proud of you," Edwards said.
"Working poor: two words that should never be used in combination in America," Edwards later told a few dozen people gathered at the nearby Martin Luther King Charter School.
"A lot of Americans think of people who are struggling on low incomes as people who do not want to work. And that is complete nonsense," he said.
BUT IT SEEMS Edwards -- and the other front-running Dems -- might have less than uplifting ideas about how you solve poverty in America.
As in, slicing, dicing, chemically burning and vacuum aspirating tiny poor children into oblivion -- eliminating poverty in America one teeny little socioeconomically challenged wretch at a time.
The Chicago Tribune fills us in on Edwards' Orwellian bent:
Elizabeth Edwards said Tuesday that her husband's health-care plan would provide insurance coverage of abortion.
Speaking on behalf of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards before the family planning and abortion-rights group Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Edwards lauded her husband's health-care proposal as "a true universal health-care plan" that would cover "all reproductive health services, including pregnancy termination," referring to abortion.
Edwards was joined by Democratic candidates Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.) at the group's political organizing conference in addressing issues at the core of the political clash between cultural liberals and conservatives, including abortion rights, access to contraception and sex education.
Obama, who earlier gained the endorsement of Washington, D.C., Mayor Adrian Fenty, offered the group a vision of equal opportunity for women, tying a call for improved access to contraceptives for low-income women with a call for an "updated social contract" that includes paid maternity leave and expanded school hours.
Asked about his proposal for expanded access to health insurance, Obama said it would cover "reproductive-health services." Contacted afterward, an Obama spokesman said that included abortions.
CLUNK. I told you I felt like a shoe was going to drop, here.
But you gotta love it. Only in America do you have Democrats sucking up to Planned Barrenhood, that committed advocate for the poor and downtrodden (as if), founded by bourgeois white people for the express purpose of eliminating the poor and downtrodden.
How many Planned Parenthood clinics do you find in well-off suburban areas? How many are in or close to the 'hood? Exactly.
Slavery is freedom.
And if the purpose is to "help" minority and low-income individuals, where are the accompanying Planned Parenthood food pantries? The Planned Parenthood free pediatrician? The Planned Parenthood pay-what-you-can family-practice clinics?
No, Planned Parenthood is there to make sure there are fewer children in the world. To make sure women -- particularly low-income and minority women -- can screw without consequence. Because Those People just can't control their primal urges, you know.
And this is the kind of group to which Democrats suck up. Grovel, actually.
See the picture topping this blog post? Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood . . . getting ready to speak to a 1926 Ku Klux Klan rally in New Jersey.
Here's what she said in a 1939 letter, expounding on her group's plans to wipe out blacks:
"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members."
THERE ARE LOTS MORE choice quotes by Sanger available through The Truth About Margaret Sanger blog. That blog's proprietor was able to find out all about Planned Parenthood's genocide-loving past. I was able to find out about Planned Parenthood's genocide-loving past. So do you think people like John Edwards, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton suffer from invincible ignorance about their patrons' genocide-loving past?
Hate is love.
John Edwards can get his overcoiffed head onto every network newscast, crying Evian tears over the plight of black people in the Lower 9 . . . as he pledges fealty to the aims of a group that -- regardless of its modern-day rhetoric -- is killing poor, black and poor black babies at a rate totally consistent with Sanger's stated aim to "exterminate the Negro population"?
The man must think he's running for president of the Animal Farm. Then again, maybe he is.
Death is life.
UPDATE: The above photo is a Photoshop job. I ought to have noticed that straightaway (the lighting and contrast on Sanger isn't quite right), but I didn't. Mea culpa. The point remains, however, that she did address the Klan, and Kluxers liked the way she thought about eugenics.