Thursday, September 13, 2007

Peace be with y. . . OH MY GAWD!

Rod Dreher takes on the following bit of insanity by the dean of "the world’s largest gay church" -- a fellow who has harsh words for fellow homosexuals who make "heterosexist" condemnations of getting one's freak on in public places.

The Rev. Michael Piazza of Dallas' Cathedral of Hope, beggaring credulity on the matter of public buggering, had this to say in Dallas Voice:
Increasingly, I see our community espousing heterosexist standards for lesbian and gay relationships and behaviors. Ultimately, those standards may be right for some of us, but it would be our own expression of hypocrisy to seek to impose our sexual standards on others.

How long have we been told that the only acceptable form of sexual expression is between one man and one woman in the sanctity of marriage? We reject that judgment, as well we should.

What we need to avoid is becoming homosexual fundamentalists sitting in moral judgment on those who don’t meet standards dictated for us by the heterosexual majority.

We also must purge from our consciousness the compulsive need for the approval of the majority.

All our lives, we have subconsciously longed for our parents’ approval, but we are adults now. If the hetero majority doesn’t approve of us and our behavior, then that is their problem.

Emotionally mature adults make their own decisions based on what is good for them and for the larger society. Although I am not an advocate for public sex, I do hope we will keep it in some reasonable perspective and will defend the rights of consenting adults to live in ways that don’t harm others.

Kick Larry Craig out of office because he advocates fundamentalist values that harm the LGBT citizens of Idaho. Remove Shannon Bailey if he is not doing a good job, or if he has done something that harmed another person.

However, take great care when judging another for their sexual behavior. Remember that not so long ago the most law-abiding among us committed criminal acts every time we made love to our spouse.

The difference is less stark than you might think.
CALL ME HETEROSEXIST and unenlightened, but with someone like Piazza on staff, I just don't want to see what happens at the Cathedral of Hope when it comes time to pass the peace.

Y'knowwhatImean, Vern?

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