Thursday, April 05, 2007

Yelling 'rat' about McCain's 'utter rubbish'

CBS correspondent Allen Pizzey gives a proper name to political posturing and ideological spin in an interview with The Public Eye on

Brian Montopoli: It seems that some reporters, including yourself and CNN's Michael Ware, have really taken umbrage at John McCain's recent comments, essentially saying that there are a lot of neighborhoods where you can walk around relatively safely. Is it fair to say that that really sort of bothered reporters?

Allen Pizzey: Yes. It's disgraceful for a man seeking highest office, I think, to talk utter rubbish. And that is utter rubbish. It's electoral propaganda. It is simply not true. No one in his right mind who has been to Baghdad believes that story.

Now, McCain and some other senators were there on Sunday, and they claimed, "Oh, we walked around for a whole hour…and we drove in from the airport. Gosh, aren't we great, we drove in from the airport." Excuse me, Mr. McCain, you drove in in a large convoy of heavily armed vehicles. The last one had a sign on it saying "Keep back 100 yards. Deadly force authorized." Every single car that they approached or passed pulled over and stopped, because that's the way it is. When one of those security details goes by, every ordinary person gets the hell out of the way, in case they get shot.

If he did walk around that market, and I didn't see him do it, and he didn't announce he was going to do it, you can bet your life there were an awful lot of soldiers deployed to make sure that nobody came near that place. He's talking rubbish. And he should not get away with it.

AND THE RIGHT-WING ECHO CHAMBER -- taking a break from smearing CNN's Michael Ware (see for yourself what didn't happen) -- said . . . Neener, neener, cancel, cancel! Liberal! Liberal! Commie-lib bias! Bush-hater! Bush-hater! Bias! Bias!

If I could, I'd go have a
drink with Ware. Hell, if I were stuck in that hellhole watching the aftermath of people getting blown to bits every single day with no end in sight and not knowing whether you'd be next and Republican politicians saying how things were improving -- See! -- I would go have many drinks with Michael Ware.

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