Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Even a stopped clock . . .

It says nothing about Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but everything about the West, that a man who vows to wipe Israel off the face of the earth, denies the Holocaust and viciously oppresses his own people is made -- frighteningly often, actually -- to sound downright reasonable by the utter hardness and corruption of Western "civilization."

And it's always our most implacable and vicious enemies who know exactly what's wrong with us when we see nothing amiss, isn't it?

ANYWAY, the latest occasion of us making President Wack Job seem a reasonable man comes with Britain's utter humiliation by Iran. And, of course, the Iranians dealt the UK -- and the Americans -- a coup de grace more strategically devastating in freeing their British hostages than if they'd done something vicious and bloody (as I'm sure the mullahs would have preferred) to those Brit sailors and Marines.

Oh yeah, here's what Ahmadinejad said to look like a regular humanitarian, according to London's Daily Mail:

He had criticised Britain for deploying Mrs Turney, mother of a three-year-old daughter, to the Gulf.

"Why was the difficult task of searching the seas given to a mother thousands of miles from home?" he demanded.

"Why is there no respect for motherhood, for the love of her child? How can you justify seeing a mother away from her home, her children? Why don’t they respect family values in the West?"

According to one official Iranian website Mrs Turney "burst into tears" as an interpreter translated Ahmadinejad’s words about her.
YEP. Iran's cuckoo-for-Cocoa Puffs commander in chief gets to wax eloquent -- and, really, he did -- about the sanctity of motherhood and family values, while George Bush and his Mini Me AG defend the "non-torture" torturing of prisoners at Gitmo (and everywhere else the Stars and Stripes hangs in shame) and call Geneva Convention protections "quaint."

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