Friday, March 02, 2007

How do you say the Big Show is scary
to the fascist oppressors in Mandarin?

Hey! Great news, y'all!

The parent site of the Revolution 21 podcast -- -- has been blocked by the Chinese government.

I found this out when, on a whim, I checked our URL on The Great Firewall of China, which tells you what sites are allowed -- or blocked -- in the People's Republic. For the life of me, I don't know why this is . . . Revolution 21 being blocked, that is.
What could be threatening to the Chinese government in our little old website? The subversive rock 'n' roll music? Jesus Christ? The Roman Catholic Church? Commitment to the dignity of all human life, from the womb until natural death?

Disdain of repressive regimes of every stripe?

I DON'T GET IT. But there we are -- banned. Blocked. Apparently unavailable in the workers' paradise of low wages, with the exception of the no-wage policy in the laogai.

But in typically inefficient bureaucratic bungling, there's a catch. If you avoid the Revolution domain, you can get to the blog and podcast in mainland China. Just go right here directly -- to

Tee hee hee.

I'm too subversive for the web. Imagine that.

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