Monday, April 23, 2007

Give me Charmin or give me death!

Global warming: The science behind the theory that we're heating up the world and sending ourselves to ruin -- or a close facsimile thereof -- probably is absolutely rock solid. It's likely happening just as most scientists and international bodies contend.

But something about the way it's being sold to us smells -- the politicization of the cause and the mindless celebrification of it, too. What is a deadly serious subject is starting to acquire the slightly sweet-sour stench of unseriousness.

And that ain't good.

How are we to take global warming seriously when we have the spectacle of the Stop Global Warming College Tour, featuring An Inconvenient Truth co-producer Laurie David and rocker Sheryl Crow? Actually, I probably would be taking the tour much more seriously if they didn't make the mistake of
blogging on Washington . . . and providing such Drudge-worthy fodder as this from Crow:

Crow (4/19, Springfield, Tenn.): I have spent the better part of this tour trying to come up with easy ways for us all to become a part of the solution to global warming. Although my ideas are in the earliest stages of development, they are, in my mind, worth investigating. One of my favorites is in the area of forest conservation which we heavily rely on for oxygen. I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required.

[Emphasis mine -- R21]

HELLO! OPERATOR! Get me the New York Post and get it pronto . . . Page Six! Yeah, the gossip column.

Hello? Page Six? Yeah, I think I got a big scoop for you. Here's why Lance Armstrong broke up with Sheryl Crow . . . you ain't gonna believe this! Peeeeee U!

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