Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Why I didn't vote for Obama

The trouble with left-leaning Democrats -- and I say this as a left-leaning Democrat -- is they'll stab your average social traditionalist in the back every time.

They just can't help themselves -- and I say this as your average social traditionalist -- because the Democratic "big money" is all about the "Big O." I am not talking about the nickname for Omaha here.

Nor am I referring to Overstock.com.

YOU SEE, candidate Barack Obama was all "let us come and reason together" on social issues, only to become Mr. Abortion and Fetal Stem Cell Guy once he walked into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. as President Barack Obama. And now, here we go again with Iowa Gov. Chet Culver.

Candidate Culver was all against same-sex marriage. Now, when the rubber has hit the road . . . not so much. The Omaha World-Herald
has the "liar, liar, pants on fire" details:
Iowa Gov. Chet Culver said Tuesday he will not support a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

The statement was in stark contrast to a past pledge Culver made to do "whatever it takes" to limit marriage to heterosexual couples.

It was Culver’s first public comment on Friday’s Iowa Supreme Court decision, which overturned a 1998 state law prohibiting gay marriage.

Culver reiterated his personal opposition to same-sex marriage, saying it is a "tenet of (his) personal faith." But he said the Supreme Court decision should not have an effect on religious marriage or religious marriage ceremonies.

"At the outset, I want to emphasize that the question before the Iowa Supreme Court was one of civil marriage only – a state-recognized legal status constituting a civil contract. Civil marriage always has been, and will continue to be, separate from religious marriage that takes place in churches and places of worship," said Culver.
PERSONALLY OPPOSED . . . BUT. Another day, another disingenuous dodge in Democratic Politician Land.

It doesn't matter a hill of beans whether a politician is "personally opposed." What matters is the action he takes in office. And "personally opposed but" differs not one whit from "enthusiastically for" from a public-policy perspective.

And from a religious perspective, I wonder how many politicians -- politicians of whatever stripe, I hasten to add -- will hear this from the Almighty on Judgment Day:

"Well, you see, I am personally opposed to casting you into an inner circle of hell, but. . . ."

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