Monday, July 07, 2008

All things must pass (the sequel)

Alone . . . all alone. Do I have odor that offends?

Now, you do have
the tickets, right?

Right? Honey?

I asked whether you
have the tickets.

Not gonna make it.
Not at this juncture.

Well, yeah, it is kinda hot out here in right field. . . .
But remember, we get the ESPN discount at Pauli's.
Dah duh DAH!
Dah duh DAH!

Heeeeey, batterbatterbatterbatter! Swing, batter!
Heeeeey, batterbatterbatterbatter! Swing, batter!
He can't hit he can't hit he can't hit he can't hit
. . . swinnng, batter!

(The original Rosenblatt Stadium-College World Series post is here.)

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