Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hey, y'all, look what I did!

We invaded Iraq because Saddam was mixed up in 9/11 and was going to nuke us -- maybe poison gas, whatever -- at 9 o'clock on Tuesday.

We invaded Iraq to teach all them A-rab countries a lesson they won't forget!

We invaded Iraq to save the brave Iraqi people from the murderous tyranny of Saddam Hussein! We will restore their dignity and bring them freedom and democracy!

We invaded Iraq to stabilize the Middle East through whiskey, sexy, democracy!

ACTUALLY, I think we invaded Iraq to bring about the end of the world through irony overload. You really, really, need to watch this report by Richard Engel from the NBC Nightly News on Tuesday.

Here's the money quote:
"God punish those who stole Iraq's dignity."
FRANKLY, I think He's working on it.

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