Saturday, April 09, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: Reality does not inspire

As one of the selections on the Big Show says, "Reality does not inspire."

Really? I'll alert the media. Wait, 3 Chords & the Truth IS the media -- I consider myself alerted.

There are several approaches to dealing with this reality. One is falling into stupid nostalgia, where everything was better and everyone got along way back there then. I grew up in the South "way back there then," so I am immune to this approach.

The reality of the time was not so inspiring. Were some things better than now? Sure. And a lot of things were a flat-out horror show.

Another approach is to fall into a bottle. First, I no longer fit. Second, liquor ain't cheap. Third, I am cheap.

OK . . . I thought of why I do want to go back in time -- as an adult -- to the year of my birth in Baton Rouge, La. I want to go back and surreptitiously change all the "White" signs on public restrooms and drinking fountains to "White Homo sapiens."

I'd just want to see fine, upstandin' Christian white people afraid to drink water and crapping themselves in public because they wouldn't want anybody to think they were one a them queers. Still, I would be careful about complimenting aspiring young actresses by saying they had the makings of a true thespian. 

The struggle was real. Even today, that kind of compliment might get you labeled a "groomer" by the Republican booboisie.

But I've come off the tracks with my musings here.

The point here is that while reality may not inspire -- at least most of it, anyway -- the Big Show always does . . . musically, at least. Check it out. 

If you disagree, you can go around telling people I'm a Homo sapien.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

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