Saturday, February 12, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: Mahvelous

You have your normal, baseline self. Then you have yourself on 3 Chords & the Truth.

See the difference? To the world, the humdrum world, you seem a bit off-kilter -- a blur, perhaps. But to you . . . you look mahvelous. You feel mahvelous. You are mahvelous. 

Crucially, the music is mahvelous. It doesn't matter if you can't spell marvelous. That's because you, on the Big Show, are mahvelous. And the world just can't keep up. 


That is the world of 3 Chords & the Truth

It's the world of infinite variety, great music you can't hear just anywhere . . . and a host celebrating yet another day he's not in the federal penal system. What's more mahvelous than that? 

I'll wait while you decide. It shouldn't take long. 

Now go listen to the show. It's . . . well, you know. 

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

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