Saturday, November 20, 2021

3 Chords & the Truth: Super!

Here I am, staring at a blank page on the computer. 

Well, crap. Now it's not blank anymore, because I just wrote about staring at a blank page on the computer. Which really doesn't merit a "Well, crap," because writing something on the computer screen was the point.


Of course, while writing this on the previously blank computer screen, I did totally manage not to mention 3 Chords & the Truth once. That's a fail. Then again, I just did mention the Big Show -- twice now in the same paragraph, so that's a win!


ON THE OTHER HAND, I did not mention any positive attributes of this week's show. Fail. Of which, there are many . . . positive attributes, not fails.

"Mention positive attributes." Check. 

"Mention good music from a wide variety of genres." Well, crap. 

Oh . . . and we have lots of good music this week, as usual, and it's typically eclectic. 

Check. Dodged a bullet there

Roger that, chief.

And look at that; the page ain't blank no more. Poor grammar notwithstanding. 

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

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