Saturday, February 06, 2021

3 Chords & the Truth: Zap!

Blame it on the Jewish space lasers.

This show . . . the problems with the United States of Qmerica . . . that bald spot on the top of your head . . . wildfires . . . that we have a congresswoman who believes in Jewish space lasers -- take your pick, or take all of the preceding.

Howard Walowitz going up to the International Space Station? Coincidence? I think not.

There are two types of people who listen to 3 Chords & the Truth: Those who have been zapped by the Jewish space laser . . . and those who will be zapped by the Jewish space laser. Qmerica is the land of zaportunity.

So, while you're waiting to get baked like a nice brisket by a beam from low earth orbit, we have some nice music for you this week on the Big Show. Some really nice tunes, and a nice musical journey in the middle of the program.

Because you only live once, and then you get zapped.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Alo . . . ZORRRRRRRRRRRCH!

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