Thursday, June 19, 2008

Slingin' bile at Iowa while New Orleans sinks

Dear combox warriors of New Orleans:

Shut the
[expletive deleted] up!

Once you've done that, perhaps you'll have the time and energy to find a work-around for your disastrously failed attempts at self-government before and after Hurricane Katrina. Therein lies your real problem -- not some bunch of prideful Iowegians who survey their swamped state and publicly thank the Almighty that they're respectable, self-reliant Midwestern flood victims. As opposed to You Know Who.

Yes, southeast Louisiana got screwed by the U.S. government. Yes, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers just as well had built your hurricane-protection levees and floodwalls out of toilet paper for all the good they did. Come to think of it, those levees may well have been TP.

And several Midwestern states are learning that for themselves as I write.

UNCLE SAM, however, did not kill your city. Y'all did that yourselves -- all the feds did was mutilate the corpse, and they're still at it.

Yes, the Bush Administration and Congress have been stingy with the relief and infrastructure money, given their culpability in your recent misfortune. Unfortunately for you, your own elected officials -- particularly C. Ray (Not lately!) Nagin and his Apple Dumpling Gang of administrators -- have been even slower in getting off the pot.

See, it's not federal black helicopters or Delta Force units that have swarmed over your city to gun down your young black men.

And black women.

And white men.

And white women.

That, you've done your own damn selves.

LIKEWISE, it wasn't Rush Limbaugh devotees -- apart, possibly, from the ones in D.C. -- who left a quarter of New Orleans' population inside the city when Katrina hit. You largely have your mayor to thank for that.

And, in fact, you did thank him for that. You re-elected Mayor Whack Job. Because we all know what a bang-up job he did . . . and is doing still.

For decades before John Hagee's God decided to smite your Sin City -- or not -- it was a dead municipality walking. Your government was corrupt and ineffective. Your schools were fetid hellholes. Your parish prison was (and is) where killers stay for a few months before your courts turn them loose again.

Your infrastructure was crumbling and your people were leaving. Your municipal calling card was a "KICK ME!" sign taped to your ass. And we Americans have obliged . . . particularly since The Thing.

Perhaps if y'all had been as worried then about having become a Third World enclave as you are now about what Iowans write about that sad fact in letters to the Des Moines Register. . . .

IT DOESN'T MATTER that Katrina was worse or bigger than, or different from, the Midwest floods. And it can't be disputed that what happened as "the bowl" filled was not the people of New Orleans' finest hour.

There are any number of reasons for that. Primarily, though, the Crescent City's underclass did what members of the underclass do pretty much everywhere on Earth. For what too many cops did, there is no excuse.

The true scandal is that Louisianians -- and Americans -- were OK with that massive underclass being there. That few cared to start working on the problem or helping those poor people.

It was all good in The City That Care Forgot. At least until the fit hit the shan.

You know, if I were in New Orleans, I'd be worrying about stuff like that to the exclusion of all else. Hell, I'm an expatriate Louisianian living in Omaha, and I worry about it more than is good for my digestion.

BUT NOOOOOOOOO . . . it's much easier to savage people with whom you ought to be empathizing. I guess the slow-motion death of your own city "absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."

And you're just the guys to do it.


Unknown said...

What is your problem? The only reaction to the Iowa flood from New Orleanians has been empathy with what the people are suffering. Now it is a TOTOALLY different subject when defending the city against ignorant attacks of "See how much better Iowa has done." These posts are ridulucous and unnecessary. They show the ugly side of America's soul. Katrina was a tragedy. The Iowa floods are a tragedy. Help Americans. Don't use it as a whipping boy to degrade a city that is still hurting. But that takes class to understand.

Anonymous said...

Who wrote that letter to the Register? We did not open your can. Don't you dare try to spin this as if we don't care about Iowa. Stop trying to divert Iowans eyes away from who built their failed levees. We are an easy target for guys like you, at the end of the line all the way downstream from your toxic industrial farms that are floating right towards us. We paid for those farm subsidies and now they are floating in the river towards our city. We know that Iowa did not build their failed levees...but, hey, neither did we build ours.

Thank you,

The Mighty Favog said...


Are you capable of grasping a point?

The point is that you and all the other New Orleans combox warriors are expending all this energy to bitch slap some Iowegian letter writer . . . for what, exactly?

And it matters that Katrina was or wasn't worse than the Midwest floods . . . why, exactly?

Furthermore, you have a funny way of being compassionate when the first thing vomited from your keyboard onto the DM Register's combox was this:

"Wow. Thank you, Iowa. Is this really Iowa talking, the 2nd most highly subsidized State in the Country?"

HERE'S A NEWS FLASH, PODNA . . . what YOU need to hear, Louisiana, is your stomach growling while you have little corn (or any other grain products) to put in it. And good luck affording pork or beef in a few months.

You don't like getting kicked in the teeth while you're down, then don't do it to Iowa because of one letter to the editor you don't like.

The behavior of the "New Orleans Defense Force" is just over the top, boorish and childish. And going around showing your south ends to a northbound world has done SO MUCH to garner good will for the Crescent City.

I know this is hard for you to understand, but bear with me. There is a world outside of Orleans Parish. It does not have the highest opinion of you, and you are to blame for some of that.

And that world is moving on without you. It's a sinn fein world, cher, and you're perfectly positioned to be on the "die" end of "root, hog, or die."

But why listen to me? I'm originally from Baton Rouge, and we just hate you anyway, right?

OH, and as to Mark, whose comment won't be published here . . . that might change once you learn to act like civilized folk and keep the F-bomb securely in its holster.

This is a classy establishment, and a public place.

Yes, I can match you F-bomb for F-bomb, and I probably can come up with a lot more creative permutations than your lame attempt. But, really, going around yelling it in public where the chirrens can hear is so white trash.