Monday, June 02, 2008

I think the whole state is 'hormonal'

Really, I shouldn't give a rat's patootie about the Louisiana Legislature.

I shouldn't even be paying much attention to Louisiana at all, being that I've lived in Nebraska for 20 years -- and that the doctors have done all they can do for their patient down south and have turned her over to God.

BUT SINCE there's no equivalent to Al-Anon for Louisiana expatriates . . . and since noting all the crazy-ass things that go on there is a lot easier than trying to dig up such magnificent examples of ridiculousness locally, I therefore am
compelled to post the following from WAFB television in Baton Rouge:
At the Capitol, legislators might adopt a daily uniform. Everyone would dress the same, like in school. It sounds silly, but some are already trying it out.

Every woman in the House Transportation Committee wore turquoise and brown Monday. It's no coincidence that they all got a staff memo. "I don't have enough time to think about what I'm going to wear, so the memo saves me that day. I know exactly what I'm going to wear, like a uniform," says Rep. Karen St. Germain of Plaquemine.


Men have been matching for years by wearing a dark suit with a patriotic-looking tie or a seersucker suit and boots. So, Representative St. Germain says it's their turn to tie together. "It's a little bit better than standing up and yelling on a hormonal day. This was a lot more effective," she says. St. Germain says it shows solidarity, with a little silliness. "I think it's a little fun in the middle of a long six months of being at the Capitol. We kind of needed something to bring us back to reality. Hey, this is not a bad idea."
GOOD LORD. Even as someone of the male persuasion, I am embarrassed.

"Better than standing up and yelling on a hormonal day"?

These are the people making the call on stuff like cutting social services, health care and higher education. And on "reforming" ethics. Let's not forget ethics.

Geez, what's the men's excuse? "I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue"?

1 comment:

jamarco said...

I think they are sniffing more than glue...You should have said something about them wanting to be paid $70,000 for a part time job... What they will most likely do is have the state taxpayers pick up the tab for the uniforms