Thursday, October 18, 2007

The trouble with cause célèbres

KALB television in Alexandria, La., asks viewers what they think of two Jena Six defendants going to the BET Hip Hop Awards:

Should the “Jena Six” be celebrated?

Two members of the “Jena Six” spent the weekend basking in the glow of being celebrities.

Bryant Purvis and Carwin Jones are two of the teens with court action pending in the beating of fellow student Justin Barker in Jena High School last year. The case has become a lightning rod for discussion on race relations around the nation ever since a rally attended by thousands was held last month.

I'LL BET you can guess what folks thought.

The trouble with cause célèbres is that sometimes those who have been wronged aren't exactly sympathetic characters . . . or just aren't very bright. And then people lose sight of the fundamental issue because, well, who wants to back a jackass?

Which is why whoever told these two Jena Sixers it was acceptable to go to the BET gala and preen for the paparazzi and press ought to have his head examined. Assuming there's anything in there to examine.

If I were their lawyer -- already looking at the prospect of another trial by all-white jury in the home of the "white tree" -- I would be needing a fresh pair of BVDs right now.

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