Friday, May 19, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: The Ironic Curtain

Greetings from the wrong side of the Ironic Curtain.

The what?

The Ironic Curtain. Let me explain. What we’re seeing in America these days is the building of an Iron Curtain in this country, dividing red and blue states -- and dividing Americans into first- and second-class citizens.

In America . . . again.

The irony, of course, is that we now have an Iron Curtain -- much like the one that divided democratic Western Europe from the communist east after World War II -- in a country that styles itself as a beacon of freedom and democracy for the world. This is the second time that's happened here.

The first time, it was the line separating the Jim Crow South from the rest of the United States. Back then, there were definite similarities between the repression found in the Eastern Bloc countries and the repression found in the American South. Before that, the South's Jim Crow regimes served as inspiration for the policies of Adolf Hitler's Germany.

TODAY, those of us stuck behind the modern-day Ironic Curtain are starting to see certain similarities between ourselves and Vladimir Putin's fascist dictatorship in Russia and, much more closely, Viktor Orban's fascist, authoritarian regime in Hungary.

It's not a good place to be, especially if you're an official "Other." That's what this week's edition of 3 Chords & the Truth is all about, which is pretty much what last week's show was about, too.

As a Nebraskan by choice who sees what is happening to this state, I have been on the razor’s edge of rage for a while now. But it’s not really rage, fundamentally. What it is, is grief.

What I have witnessed during this session of the Nebraska Legislature -- and I have watched hours upon hours of it on television the past few weeks — is incipient fascism. The content of LB 547, and the chicanery employed to pass it, looked familiar to me; I was born in 1961 into Jim Crow era Louisiana.

I attended legally segregated public schools in Baton Rouge . . . until 1970. When my school was desegregated under a “neighborhood school” plan, I had a teacher tell me not to play with a Black classmate. I saw that Black classmate demeaned and discriminated against by our fourth-grade teacher.

As a Southerner of a certain age, I know what fascism and official “othering” looks like. And it has followed me here after all these years.

In Nebraska today, the Others are vulnerable pregnant women and transgender youth. Next year, the legislator behind today's othering intends to target drag shows.

I AM a 62-year-old man who has been married for almost 40 years. I do not understand transgenderism because, well, how the hell could I?

But I do understand that trans individuals are citizens of the United States and children of God, and they deserve to live in peace. The parents of trans youth have the right to seek the best care possible for their children. Medical science has no solution that will perfectly reconcile mind and body, but it should not be illegal to do the best one can -- especially when that might be what keeps your child alive.

As a Catholic, I would be inclined to proceed cautiously if I had a transgender child. But make no mistake, I would do what I had to do to keep my kid, first, alive and, second, happy and healthy.

But how parents raise -- or choose to medically treat -- their trans children is, fundamentally, none of my damned business. It is not the unicameral’s business. It isn’t even the church’s business. It’s just not.

Likewise, concerning abortion, I have to say I consider myself pro-life. However, LB 547, enacted by the legislature Friday, is no fitting way to reduce the instance of abortion as much as humanly possible. It also will endanger the lives of women with catastrophic pregnancies.

If legislators want to “save babies,” they should -- pardon my French -- give a shit about vulnerable women. They should give a shit about struggling families. They should give a shit about the outrageous expense of giving birth.

They should give a shit about the oppressive cost of decent daycare. They should give a shit about creating an effective social safety net. And they should give a shit about the jobs they’re about to drive away from Nebraska.

That said, this is the week Nebraska died. It’s over. And that's what informs this week's Big Show.

That is all. That is enough.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, May 12, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Hearing ghosts

I'm hearing ghosts. At least it seems that way.

Of course, what you hear in a program like 3 Chords & the Truth depends on the context. The context of these times we live in has me hearing ghosts in the music.

Ghosts of times past. Ghosts of our past selves. Ghosts of those who've passed. Ghosts of normality. Ghosts of a country and world that seem long gone.

Good ghosts, evil ghosts. Ghosts all.

I hear ghosts. Perhaps you will, too.

I'LL TELL YOU now what I'll tell you during this week's edition of the Big Show -- the ghosts I hear in the music, hear in my mind . . . they feel like being at the end of your life and looking back at what was, and you're regretful, wistful. You regret what you -- we -- have come to, You regret the opportunities that were passed by.

You regret the things that were done but shouldn't have been. You wonder what the actual f***.

The ghosts often provoke nostalgia. Nostalgia can be a blessing. It also can be a curse.

Yeah, this week, I'm playing -- and hearing -- ghosts, and it's not even Halloween. They hearken me toward better times and remind me of worse, and the worse remind me of today in these disunited and dysfunctional United States.

And that's the way it is, May 12, 2023. I'm your Mighty Favog, reporting from 79 Wistful Vista.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, May 05, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: 20 songs in the sunset

I suppose, as much as anything, this episode of the Big Show is about sunsets. The sunset of life, the warm glow of the sunset -- you could go on and on.

However the sunset speaks to you is good enough for us. That's what it's about today.

Of course, that didn't become clear(er) to me until this go-round of 3 Chords & the Truth was in the can, so to speak. So . . . yeah. Just consider the show this week to be 20 lovely songs in the day's fading light.

THE PAST couple of weeks, as is increasingly the norm for folks the age of your Mighty Favog, have seen the passing of a couple of musical giants -- Harry Belafonte and Gordon Lightfoot. The loss is great. What they have left us, have left in our cultural coffers, is tremendous.

And you'll get a taste of that this week.

You'll also get a taste of a lot more, as well. That's utterly normal for what we call the Big Show. That also is what makes this program stand out . . . and, during these times, stand apart.

If you know, you know.

If you know, you're exceptional. And fortunate.

There's really not much more to say, so I'll leave it right here. Now get comfortable and get musically enriched.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, April 21, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Two steps forward, 80 years back

Big shows don't play on tiny radios . . . and, to tell you the truth, they're not easy to do in small-minded states. Like this one.

Yet here we are with the latest edition of 3 Chords & the Truth.

After the last week in the Nebraska Legislature, I am tempted to tell you to boycott this state. But then you'd probably boycott the Big Show, too, and that would be like Ron DeSantis trying to kill Mickey Mouse. Wouldn't end well for anyone.

So I just curl up next to the big, big radio and just do the damn show. With appropriate measures of snark, sarcasm, warped humor and a great and eclectic mix of music -- mostly great music.

I mean, if you're contemplating curling up into a fetal position, turn on some tunes first, man.

But brace yourself for that King Crimson to George Martin segué. You'll understand when you hear it.

Well, that's about all before I curl up next to the stereo system and turn on the program. Except for this. . . .

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, April 14, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: What do we do?

It's a stormy, stormy night here in Omaha, by God, Nebraska. Fitting for those of us living in a state that has become a shitstorm.

Pardon my French, but that's the best description I can muster for a place where the MAGA crackpots have taken full control . . . and now are doing what MAGA crackpots do. That would be punching down at The Other and generally waging war on what's left of civil society.

It's especially depressing when one's church is in on the action. Then again, Judas was a disciple, and Peter was a dolt. Things have gotten worse -- at least in these parts -- since.

"But what, Favog," you may ask, "does this have to do with 3 Chords & the Truth?

Excellent question.

And the only answer I have, as humble as it may be, is that the Big Show is a bit of a refuge -- for me and, one hopes, for you, too. That's all I got.

That's all I got.

As for the Nebraska unicameral, all I can say is that try as the booboisie might, the blind can't lead the blind. And it's pretty dark in there.

So, given the above, I'll enjoy the thoroughly enjoyable music as I ponder my options. I suspect you can, too. Actually, I really hope you do -- as usual, it's a hell of a show.

But not a shitshow. We'll leave that to the Republicans.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, March 31, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: 600 and counting

This is the 600th episode of 3 Chords & the Truth. You think I'd have something suitably momentous to say about it.

I do not.

After 600 shows, you tend to feel like you've said everything you have to say about it -- unless sudden inspiration strikes. Well, as I post another of the Big Show with two zeros at the end of the number, inspiration has struck out.

Not in the show itself, mind you, just in thinking of something to say about it, apart from -- once again -- eclectic, reasonably entertaining, good music and the host doesn't completely suck. Of course, there's a lot of leeway in "doesn't completely suck."

So, give the latest 3 Chords & the Truth a listen, and I'm reasonably confident you will find that it doesn't completely suck.

And, no, I never did get the salesman gene. This is as good as I get.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, March 24, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Thatsa lotta shows!

It just so happens that episode No. 599 of 3 Chords & the Truth drops on my birthday.

After all those years, and shows, I certainly hope the program is fresher than I am. For I am . . . not young.

Five hundred ninety-nine editions of the Big Show. That means the next one will be . . . let me get out the calculatin' machine here . . . hang on . . . workin' the problem . . . any second now . . . just about there . . . No. 600.

Thatsa lotta shows.

But I'll worry about that next time. This week, there is good music, of course, but I'm at a loss over what else to say. Birthday, don'tcha know. Takin' a break from thinking too hard.

So, with that not said. . . .

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Jonesin' in the years

Sometimes, progress looks like going from Butch Wax to Brylcreem. Unless, of course, you live in a Vitalis household.

The above sentence makes sense to me. Therefore, I am (Generation) Jonesin' in the years. Stowin' away the time.

This means I remember when vintage was new. When classic rock was AOR. Which was not MOR. All of which ends up on 3 Chords & the Truth, by the way.

This last sentence also makes sense to me. Authenticity -- you can't fake it. It also helps you avoid sepia-colored cliches. A little dab'll do ya.

I KNOW. I'm rambling. It happens at my age. But sometimes you ramble into a lot of good stuff, just like we do on the Big Show.

I guess that's just the way we midcentury old farts do things.

So . . . yeah.


It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, March 10, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Tick tock

Let's do the time warp again.

This week on 3 Chords & the Truth, we turn back the clock a little more than usual. To the Old Days. But not much.

Still, the Big Show is a real sentimental journey.

So, looming over the whole thing is the clock up on the wall . . . running backward. If you have any complaints about that, please direct them to PA 6-5000. Ask for Flat Foot Floogie.

It's a floy floy, Daddio.

As usual, though, it's gonna be a real trip. A journey to unexpected places. Just don't get nervous on the road -- it's going to be all right. You might even learn something. Or not. That's entirely up to you.

Also, I am pleased to announce that everything is in full-fidelity stereo. Except when it's not.

And if all this is somewhat confusing to you, then you don't know me. But that will change as days go by if you keep listening. There's a lot on the website to help you get up to speed with all the eclectic wonderfulness of this here endeavor.

So, there's only one thing left to say here.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, March 03, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: The voice of world control

Artificial intelligence has come to radio, and it's ready -- or, rather, the vulture capitalists behind some of America's largest broadcasting chains are ready -- to give mere organics the old heave-ho.

This subject is of some interest to us at 3 Chords & the Truth. To be honest, this subject leaves some of us feeling like we're now totally obsolete, rather than our previous state of being mostly obsolete. Like we were perfectly educated and trained for the Bronze Age. Like being oriented toward the humanities and creative pursuits is just an invitation to obliteration.

Let's get real here. Your Mighty Favog knows damned well that the Big Show is a niche deal. An esoteric pursuit. That most folks -- especially today -- just won't f***ing get it.

FACE IT, it's an anachronism, and I march to an anachronistic drummer. And I often wonder why I bother. Why can't I just squeegee car windows at traffic lights and be grateful for every day that I don't get run over or arrested (or shot, because a squeegee handle might look like a gun barrel, and this is America)?

Frankly, there are days (this is one of them) when I figure I'd have a lot more listeners if I just let the robots do the podcast instead of me. Because Americans.

I got no answers. Given my obvious lack of insight, I thought I would go to the expert in all this -- ChatGPT, which will be writing all your kids' term papers soon enough.

My question was simple enough:

"Why is RadioGPT superior to having human radio announcers? It can replicate the voices of known station personalities, so why have any humans on air at all after the intial customization?"

Here is Chat's -- I hope that's not being too familiar with an artificial intelligence I've just met -- answer. And remember, Chat is the expert here, not your deficiently human Mighty Favog.

While RadioGPT and other AI-driven solutions for radio broadcasting have several advantages over human announcers, there are still reasons why having human personalities on air can be beneficial. Here are some points to consider:

1. Authenticity: Human announcers and personalities can bring a level of authenticity to a broadcast that AI may not be able to replicate. Listeners may feel a stronger connection to a human voice, which can enhance their overall listening experience.

2. Emotional connection: Human announcers and personalities can convey emotion in a way that AI may not be able to. They can react in real-time to events and news, and provide commentary and perspective that may resonate with listeners.

3. Creativity: Human announcers and personalities can bring their own creativity and unique perspective to a broadcast. They can improvise, ad-lib, and inject humor into their delivery, which can keep listeners engaged and entertained.

4. Personalization: While AI can personalize content based on a listener's habits, human announcers and personalities can also provide a personalized touch through interaction with listeners. They can take calls, read emails, and engage with listeners on social media, which can enhance the overall listener experience.

5. Flexibility: Human announcers and personalities can adapt to changing circumstances and events in a way that AI may not be able to. They can react to breaking news, adjust their delivery based on audience feedback, and make other real-time decisions that can improve the quality of the broadcast.

Overall, while AI-driven solutions like RadioGPT may have some advantages over human announcers, there are still benefits to having human personalities on air. They can bring a level of authenticity, emotional connection, creativity, personalization, and flexibility that may enhance the overall listening experience for audiences.

THANKS, Chat, for the pick-me-up. Unfortunately, I think you failed to cover the one rea$on radio-$tation management won't li$ten to any of your quite-valid point$. While you are very artificially intelligent and well-re$ourced, I think you lack the nece$$ary cynici$m to under$tand America today.

And the one point to remember -- always -- is that it's always humans who have held close to their hearts the belief that there's nothing more expendable than human labor . . . and human lives. You might say it's one of humanity's defining characteristics.

That said, dear listener (one shortcoming of a human writer -- or announcer -- is susceptibility to cliches),  you can assume this week's edition of the Big Show is rather different. Because it is. But it's still good . . . and filled with nifty segués, because I'm uselessly weird like that.

Besides, the new age is upon us, and you'd better listen to the organic while you can. Such as he is.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, February 24, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: We will do what we must

There’s something you must know — we will do what we must.

To ensure your enjoyment of 3 Chords & the Truth.

That may or may not involve cranial implants.

The choice is yours.

To give you a bit of information that will inform your ultimate choice, you should be aware that the Big Show is good. Very good.

Good music, good sequencing, even a unifying theme here and there.

Host has been deemed minimally acceptable by his wife.

Overall, listeners have given it six out of five stars.

Of course, the program may not be to your taste. That’s a legitimate stance.

That also is where the cranial implants come in. Just so you know.

It’s 3 Chords & the Truth, y’all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, February 17, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Nix the sandals at Mardi Gras

I'll take "What not to wear to Mardi Gras for $500, Ken."

"Unless you're exceptionally careful where you step in the French Quarter during Carnival season, wearing these will get you a bad case of pissmanurevomit toes."

"What are sandals?"

"Correct! You have control of the board."

AAAAAAND THAT'S HOW we're gonna roll this week on 3 Chords & the Truth. Make sure to wear washable, closed-toe footwear -- and a course of antibiotics might be a good idea, too. Mind the gutters.

This week, we pay tribute to the last gasp of hedonism before Lent -- and, perhaps, a nasty social disease -- and we do it with a bunch of great music, almost all thematically fitting for the occasion. And again, mind the gutters . . . especially on Bourbon Street.

Of course, we at the Big Show are not averse to passing a good time, but we do take heed of the perils of overdoing things. Which makes for more interesting music making, actually. After all, your host, your Mighty Favog, did earn a bachelor's degree from Louisiana State.

His liver, meantime, was awarded a Ph.D.

I think you're up to speed by now, so I'll leave you to it. Listen and learn, friend . . . listen and learn. And beware of tourists from the Midwest. They're the worst.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Really, mind the gutters.

Friday, February 10, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Music in the stratosphere

Hi, I'm a Chinese "weather balloon."

I know what you've been doing. Unfortunately, though, the electronic jamming of your pig-dog regime and its counterrevolutionary military lackeys prevented me from automatically playing 3 Chords & the Truth for you, allowing the dulcet sounds of the program to infiltrate your thoughts and ears constantly, world without end.

This greatly disappoints my creator Xi Jing Favog. There will be consequences if you do not click on the provided links or the omnipresent podcast player hovering somewhere around this communique.

AS CAN be expected, the Big Show is again diverse, eclectic and exemplary this week. You really should listen attentively -- if you know what's good for you. And your ears.

The sheer creativity involved in my playing music for the people must not be wasted, and the reactionary elements of your American so-called society must not be allowed to be ascendant.

And judging by where your Air Force butchers chose to aim that missile, I also question your moral rectitude. This behavior must cease.

Just listen to the program. And for Mao's sake, cease fire!

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha . . . OW!

Friday, February 03, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: To tell the truth

It's time to mix things up -- a little -- on the Big Show again, so I did. You'll note that the opening ain't what you've gotten accustomed to over the past few years.

To get to the point, we get to the point a bit quicker now. And we've freshened things up a bit here and there.

Next week, we'll be introducing the $1 million music-trivia challenge. No, that's a lie. Which is another way we've refreshed 3 Chords & the Truth -- abject false claims and non-existent contests, because the truth has gotten kinds of stale these days. Or not. Who's to say? We say get ready to get rich -- trust me.

So, that's about all the news your host -- me, George Santos -- has for now. So stay tuned, by which we mean start downloading or streaming, for another big, exciting episode of Drag Queen Drag Racing, where every show is a walk (or car race) on the wild side.

Don't forget to bring along your AR-15 -- and we'll be giving away three every edition of the Big Show -- no matter how many voices you're hearing . . . or what they're telling you. It's all good.

Now sit back and prepare to be wowed by another edition of Life With Father, Who Identifies as Mother, Who Bears an Uncanny Resemblance to Ron DeSantis. We guarantee it's a good one.


It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, January 27, 2023

3 Chords & the Truth: Back in the saddle again

I'm back in the saddle again.

It's a new year, and -- finally -- there's a new episode of 3 Chords & the Truth.

Since we last met, for the Christmas edition of the Big Show, the wife and I got a New Year's present . . . COVID. As much as one would like to take that one back to the store and exchange it for something nicer, that proved impossible, and we were stuck with one lemon of a gift.

This after three years of successfully avoiding being so gifted.

And getting rid of it proved to be, well, a process. And having the gift made me pretty much unfit to do a podcast. If I had had the energy to do the show, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have wanted to hear me trying to do it.

Excuse me while I cough. The cough sticks around after the disease is gone.

ANYWAY, I'm back, 3C&T is back, and it's a good one. And it was put together on a brand-new Mac Studio computer, which is smokin' fast and . . . well . . . new, replacing the warhorse iMac that had been my trusty studio companion the past decade. That's like 115 in computer years, and it still works fine. I just couldn't update the operating system or the audio software anymore.

So, I now have that new-computer feeling.

And you have a brand-new episode of the Big Show to enjoy. Which will commence whenever you click on what must be clicked.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Friday, December 23, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: Merry C-c-c-christmas!

The ground is white
The chill is up
We've got some ice
Fell on my duff

Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a
frostbitten Christmastime

Big Show's still on
The music's here
That only comes
This time of year

Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a
frostbitten Christmastime

A stack of records do their thing
Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding
B-brrr brrr brrr brrr brrrrrrrrrr
C . . . c . . . c . . . c . . . c . . . cold

SIMPLY having a frostbitten Christmastime
We're simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime

The wool hat's out
Inside the house
Layers won't let
My arms go down

Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a
frostbitten Christmastime

But the stack of records do their thing
I've been waiting all year long
Ding dong, doo wop
Ding dong, doo wop
Ding dong, doo wop
Ding dong, doo wop

The ground is white
The chill is up
We've got some ice
Fell on my duff

We're simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime
Simply having a frostbitten Christmastime

Ho-ho, ho-ho
Ho-ho-ho wonderful Christmastime

IT'S 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. The extra-large, family-size Christmas edition of 3 Chords & the Truth. Be there. Alo-ho-ho-ho-ha.

Friday, December 16, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: It's zaptastic

'Twas the week before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even the BZZZZZZZZAP!

Note to self: The headphones do not connect to the electrical outlet. They plug into the mixing console. 

No, not the mixer in the kitchen, the thing in the studio with the knobs and faders.

I'll bet the above has cleared up a lot of things for you about 3 Chords & the Truth. Unsurprisingly, they're not much clearer for me. But I'll keep on . . . BZZZZZZZZAP! . . . trying.

I DON'T really know where I'm going with this. All I know is it's the week before Christmas, and there's so much to do and so little sleep. I also know there's another fresh episode of the Big Show this week -- right here, in fact -- and it's a real gas.

Because I don't trust myself with the electric.

What? No, I don't know what the hell I'm talking about, either. Perhaps listening to the show will clear things up. Perhaps not.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Alo-ho-ho-ho-ha.

Friday, December 09, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: Rock on, man


Hairy fist mush? What the hell is fist mush?

Hang on.

OK,  I turned down my almost brand-new, 48-year-old bitchin' studio headphones. What's this about fist mush?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh. Merry CHRISTMAS! I thought the wall of sound had turned my brain to mush there for a second.

I see that look on your face. Don't say it, or it's no 3 Chords & the Truth for you. And you do not want to miss this edition of the Big Show.

Yes, it's that good.

Now, if you don't mind, I shall resume rockin' out. Man. Just listen to the show and don't try to talk to me when I have these things on.

Go. Get. Listen.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Saturday, December 03, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: Tempus fugits at Christmastime

It's Christmas season once again, and another year that has slipped through our grasping fingers.

Because it's the holidays, we do the festive thing. Because it's another year that has passed by, leaving us -- yet again -- wondering where time has gone while our attention was elsewhere, we also think of all that was, yet is no more.

On 3 Chords & the Truth this week, we're doing a bit of the ho-ho-holidays. Behind the musical scenes, I'm wondering how six-plus decades could pass so quickly. So much I thought would be forever when I was young isn't anymore.

TAKE THE Dalton Theater in North Baton Rouge. It was a little neighborhood movie house we'd always drive by whenever we went to see my Uncle August. A middling landmark of my Louisiana youth, it was, standing there at Dalton Street and North Acadian Thruway.

First it closed sometime in the1970s, then it decayed. Then the city condemned it. Then, in 2000, the city tore it down. The progression of Uncle August -- who died, age 65, of cancer in 1982 -- was not dissimilar.

I think of that stuff at Christmastime. My parents' generation of the family is all gone. So are a lot of the things and places I grew up with. We shall not go there this week on the Big Show. I suspect you, if you're of a certain age, don't need my help in that regard this time of year.

It's there, lurking, in the corners of our minds. It stares back at you in the bathroom mirror every morning. C'est la vie.

Street View, Google Maps
No, this week, 3 Chords & the Truth, as always, is about the music -- pop, rock, big band, jazz, soul, standards, easy listening, country and all the rest. It's all mashed up in the food-for-the-soul processor of the mind and spit back out onto the Internet in sets that make musical sense. Well, I think they make musical sense; such is freeform radio, even when it's in cyberspace.

If my thoughts turn melancholy when the bitter wind sweeps across the Plains and the mercury digs a hole for itself, the Big Show does what it always does. It entertains and, one hopes, enlightens a bit. That doesn't change, even though everything else does.

Even though everybody else does . . . and you, too.

That's where we are as Christmas 2022 draws nigh after two previous, warped COVID Christmases removed so many things -- and people -- from the here and now and tossed them unceremoniously into the once was.

There's so much that, in Louisiana-speak, ain't dere no more. But the thing is this; the music always will be. Dance while you can, because the tempus is fugiting, and its run at the Dalton has been extended indefinitely.

It's 3 Chords & the Truth, y'all. Be there. Aloha.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

3 Chords & the Truth: What the cluck?

Ask any random podcast listener what is this thing we call 3 Chords & the Truth, and chances are they won’t know, eggsactly . . . er . . . exactly.

But if you weren’t shunned, punched or had the cops called on you when you asked, you could deduce that you were dealing with a good egg.

So, what is this thing we also call the Big Show? It’s . . . uhhhhhhhh . . . it’s . . . uhhhhhhh . . . ummmmmmm . . . it’s eggsactly that. Whatever that is.

I CALL IT postmodern freeform radio on the Internets. I call it that because I just made that label up. Yay, me.

But, really, what the program is, is good. It’s diverse. It’s full of surprises. Eggsactly that. Er . . . exactly that.

This week on 3 Chords & the Truth, we’re gonna get you moving. We’ll have the best in soul, and the best in. . . . Well, why would I spoil the surprise?

Maybe you need to listen and find out what the rest of the good stuff is. In other words, do yourself a favor and be a good egg.


Here in the 3C&T studio, your Mighty Favog works hard so as not to have egg on his face. That means your ears will be happy. Eggsactly that.

Do your ears a favor for Thanksgiving. And you’re welcome.

It’s 3 Chords & the Truth, y’all. Be there. Aloha.