Saturday, October 28, 2006

Selective outrage, Senator. Selective outrage.

John Kerry is horrified, horrified at Dick Cheney's inadvertant honesty about being a torture lover. From AP via MSNBC:

“Is the White House that was for torture
before it was against it, now for torture again?” tweaked Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass. Kerry, in his unsuccessful campaign for the presidency, had been skewered by Bush for saying he had voted for war funds before he voted against them.

The Mighty Favog -- and a lot of people like the Mighty Favog -- would feel a lot better if "Democrats for Human Rights" actually shed as many tears over innocent children murdered in their mothers' wombs (killing sanctioned by American law and revered as a secular sacrament by the Democratic Party leadership, I might add) as they do over alleged terrorists tortured by American goons.

Face it, a country that has no problem offing its own future looks just a bit silly getting its knickers in a twist over poor Mohammed getting waterboarded by the CIA.

I have a radical proposal: How about we get our knickers in a twist about BOTH? How about we outlaw the torture of Mohammed and the premeditated murder of defenseless American babies in utero.

Until you can manage to do that, Sen. Kerry, don't expect Catholics like me to look at you as anything more than possibly -- and I stress "possibly" -- a potential lesser of two evils (and a VERY MARGINAL one at that, even considering the full-blown catastrophe that is the Bush Administration).

A little moral seriousness, people.


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